Monday, June 27, 2005

Shea Butter and Latex Allergies

Shea butter is currently the trendy cure-all oil for the personal care market. If you believe the hype, using shea butter will do everything from healing skin lesions to curing world hunger.

However, most people don't know that Shea butter contains naturally occuring latex in it's oil. For people familiar with latex allergies, this may come as an epiphany as to why they keep slathering on "natural shea" lotion, but still have a red hot, irritated persistant rash.

Latex allergies are a progressive allergy, meaning that the allergy get progessively worse the more the person or animal is exposed to the irritant. Latex allergies are currently enjoy one of the highest diagnosed allergy rates in North America and Europe.

As a result of this information, Raincoast Soak Factory removed Shea butter from all of our products. We made the choice to substitute expeller processed Mango butter for the currently trendy Shea. We know that you will continue to love our products even more with this change.

Have a great day.

Raincoast Soak Factory

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Stanford University releases study on the dangers of synthetic fragrances to the environment.

Common household fragrances may be harming aquatic wildlife, study finds
Those fragrant soaps and shampoos we casually rinse down the drain may be causing long-term damage to aquatic wildlife downstream by interfering with the animals' natural ability to eliminate toxins from their system, according to a new Stanford University study published by the National Institutes of Health (NIH).
Writing in the NIH journal Environmental Health Perspectives, Stanford scientists described the biological damage that occurred when they exposed California mussels to synthetic musks -- chemical compounds that are used to enhance the smell of detergents, soaps, shampoos, air fresheners, deodorants, cosmetics and other personal care products.

"The musks are an example, but this group of pharmaceuticals and personal care products consists of thousands of different chemicals," Luckenbach said.

"One of the assumptions about these chemicals is that they are regarded as environmentally low risk compared to pesticides and oil products," Epel noted. "This is the first study to show that some personal care products in water do have an effect, even in low concentrations. Our results indicate that the effects on the first line of defense might be irreversible or continue long after the event. It's a warning sign. It's a smoking gun. Are there other chemicals out there that have similar long-term effects? Could these be harming these defense systems in aquatic organisms? And could they be having similar effects in humans?"

The experiment was conducted in Epel's laboratory at Stanford's Hopkins Marine Station in Pacific Grove, Calif., and was funded by the German Academic Exchange Service, the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration, the California Sea Grant College and the California State Resources Agency.

For more information please click:

Raincoast Soak Factory uses only 100% pure, natural therapeutic, steam distilled essential oils in all of its products. These oils will not harm the water, wildlife or any part of the environment. Our essential oil blends not only smell great but have many beneficial ingredients and qualities to ensure our customers are healthy and happy.

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